关键词: 乡村旅游;可持续发展;发展问题;对策研究
With the continuous development of social economy and science and technology, the development of my country's tourism industry has also been greatly improved. While the tourism industry has continued to develop, some new forms of tourism have also appeared in order to promote the better development of my country's tourism industry. Tourism is a new form of activity that organically combines primary and tertiary industries. Compared with previous tourism methods, rural tourism has a positive impact on protecting the ecological environment and improving the quality of villagers. Rural tourism is simply a way of opening up with rural characteristic scenic spots. The development of rural tourism can not only effectively improve the living standards of Chinese farmers, but also greatly enhance the upgrading of my country's rural industrial structure and economic structure. , the development of rural tourism mode is also a key way to build a new socialist countryside in our country. This article is mainly to analyze and study the sustainable development of rural tourism in my country.
Key words: Rural Tourism, Sustainable Development, Development Problems, Countermeasure Research
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